Budo Federation

Sensei Tom Starling 8th Dan President IBF representative for UK Great Britain

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The International Budo Federation is a multi-style martial arts and combat forms association

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Join the IBF and be part of an association which has representatives in more than 30 different countries

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Being asked to take over as president and representative of the IBF (International Budo Federation) Great Britain by Mr. Niering the International President of the IBF and the executive board was a great honour and privilege.

I have been active in martial arts for over 55 years and I find that the IBF has been at the forefront of inclusivity, friendship and non-profit making as an organisation.

If you feel you want to become a member of the IBF GB please do not hesitate to contact me either as an individual or club/organisation we are a non political worldwide federation and recognise grades in several martial arts subject to proof and evidence presentation.

Sensei Tom Starling 8th Dan president IBF GB


We are open to all martial artists regardless of what association they belong to and provide a safe and friendly environment to train. We are always looking for new members to join the IBF this includes everyone from the individual to existing clubs and organisations who simply want to belong to a governing body or larger blanket organisation without compromising their individuality or have to change their training system.

About Us

Join Us

If you wish to become part of the IBF please visit our membership page. We have our own grading scheme and this syllabus is challenging and well structured. However we allow member clubs within our own organisation to follow their own syllabus if they wish to do so. The IBF is all about the martial art this is the ethos of the International Budo Federation.

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Future Events

The International Budo Federation UK Great Britain regularly hold events, seminars and classes throughout the year both here in the UK and abroad so why not check out our events page to stay up to date with everything IBF UK Great Britain!

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